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The short

I want to aggregate why you visit a city. Is it the architecture? The beach? The diving? The local food? Help me build that list of things to do in each city and we can help more travelers find their city.

What is this?

If you can help me understand what there is to do in cities around the world, I can turn that into answering the epic question -

"What city should I travel to (as a __ year old, man/woman/person who likes to do ___ and ___ and only wants to spend $___)?"

I've already collected hundreds of thousands of data points for cities around the world including population size, local weather averages, and estimated budget costs - now I just need your help crowdsourcing activities!

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We have 437 activities saved in 81 cities total!

Ex. "Seattle" or "Berlin, Germany"
How is it?
About how far away from the city center? (or leave blank if it's in the city)
(By car, bus, train, foot, or however most people get around the city)

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